Monday, December 1, 2008

Active areas of research in the aeronautic industry include nano-devices and -systems, nanoelectronics, nano-manufacturing, nano-materials, nano-sensors and the environmental, health and safety aspects of nanotechnology. Current research activities include the ability to combine multiple "nano" disciplines to create new, synergistic applications of nanotechnology.
The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative as a field in which nanotechnology has the potential to enable a wealth of innovation, particularly in materials/structures and intelligent bio-nanomaterials in aeronautics.
Environmental Air Transport
The Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative will congregate European R&D stakeholders for the development of green air vehicle design, engines and systems to minimize the environmental impact of future air transport systems.
Technologies will directly aim for the reduction of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by air transport, cutting specific emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 80% and decreasing noise levels. The targets reflect the Ultra Green High Level Target Concepts developed by the Advisory Council for Aeronautical Research in Europe (ACARE). Other focus areas include the reduction of soot, water vapour and particulates emission through alternative fuels; aircraft engine configurations, intelligent low-weight structures, improved aerodynamic efficiency, airport operations and air traffic management as well as manufacturing and recycling processes.

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